Monday, August 22, 2016

Nutritive Values and Health Benefits of Whole Grains

Food is a source of energy for our body. We require a healthy, nutritious   and properly balanced diet combined with physical activities to lead a healthy lifestyle. Healthy eating includes consuming high quality proteins, carbohydrates, heart healthy fats, skimmed milk, fruits, vegetables and enough water.  Healthy eating also includes minimization of processed and junk foods, saturated fats, alcohol and cigarettes.
Eating in this manner will help us maintain healthy weight, prevent diseases, and reduce the risk of heart diseases and cancer and promotes overall health and wellbeing. Health experts and nutritionists all over the world are insisting on eating three to four servings of whole grains in a day. Whole grains are packed with fibre, vitamins, minerals, protein, and antioxidants. They are easy to digest and they have several health benefits.

What are whole grains? Whole grains are cereals and they are the biggest source of energy. The most commonly consumed grains are wheat, rice and corn. Whole grains are small, hard and edible dry seeds that grow on grass-like plants called cereals. They are a staple food in most countries.  Popcorn and Poha (beaten rice) can be included in the whole grains. They can be eaten as snacks.
A whole grain consists of three main parts. They are bran, germ and endosperm. Bran is the hard outer layer of the grain. It contains fiber, minerals and antioxidants. The germ is the embryo of the plant, the part that gives rise to a new plant.  This part of the whole grain is rich in carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients. The Endosperm is the biggest part of the grain contains carbohydrates and proteins.

When the whole grains are refined, the nutritious bran and germ are removed leaving the high carb endosperm.  Therefore, refined grains are unhealthy. When we eat refined grains, the blood sugar level goes up rapidly and falls down quickly. Therefore we tend to become hungry soon. Refined grains get broken down fast, and can lead to rapid spikes in blood sugar levels when consumed.

Eating refined grains cause obesity and overweight.  Metabolic diseases like Type 2 Diabetes and heart diseases are also caused. But whole grains are healthier. They provide more protein, more fibre, and many important vitamins and minerals. Moreover, whole grains have some valuable antioxidants not found in fruits and vegetables, as well as B vitamins, vitamin E, magnesium, iron and fiber.

Whole grains are slowly absorbed and gradually metabolized. Eating whole grains reduces heart disease and heart disease related deaths. They make heart healthy diet. According to a recent study, eating three servings a day of whole grains lowers risk of death from cancer and from heart disease. 
When whole grains are eaten regularly, it can make the person feel fuller because of the fiber content present in them. So whole grains can become a diet for obese persons and it forms part of the diet for those who want to control their weight.
The fiber content of whole grains may lower cholesterol and help people feel fuller so they eat less. Magnesium present in whole grains may improve insulin sensitivity and lower the blood pressure. And other minerals and antioxidants present in whole grains will help in fighting oxidative stress.
According to a new study, people eating a diet rich in whole grains may reduce the risk of dying early. People who eat three servings of whole grains per day are less likely to have heart diseases or cancers. So they will lead a disease free life and their length of life will be increased. 
The fiber content of whole grains prevent constipation and hence prevent colon- rectal cancers. The fibre content of whole grains prevent fat tissue formation around the waist. Hence the whole grains help us to maintain flat stomach with a thin waistline. Numerous studies on whole grains show that people who eat the most whole grains have a lower risk of obesity, heart disease, diabetes, colon cancer, and tend to live longer. 
Eat Whole Grains…. Enjoy Healthy life….. Stay Fit…. Live Longer…..

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